About Kota

Yo, whas poppin.

I'm the autistic head behind this joint, just call me Kota. I'm a 21 year old dude who plays games and does some creative stuff when I'm not busy at work. I play a lot of different kinds of video games from a variety of different genres and sources. Some of my favourites being stuff from my childhood such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Grand Theft Auto, or Minecraft, and some others that feel like they really SHOULD'VE been a part of my childhood, like Pokemon or Call of Duty. I have my main obsessions but there's other stuff I enjoy playing that I may post about on occasion as well.

Aside from games, I enjoy tinkering with computer software, I like to draw, and sometimes I dabble in a bit of music composition. I enjoy things that inspire creation and imagination, as well as things that get me using my hands.

I decided to start this page after a good friend of mine showed me the world of Neocities, and being that I never truly got to experience the old web, and how oddly nostalgiac I get about things I grew up around but never got to actually experience for myself, I thought I'd give it a shot. I hope to make this place something that kid me would've made if he ever knew what he was doing.